Affiliate Member Benefits 

Affiliate Members consist of manufacturers or distributors of construction products which either cannot be members of and / or represented by a Trade Association Member; or are members of a Trade Association Member but wish to have a more prominent, direct membership with the CPA. Affiliates are invited to join by the CPA Chairman.

Key Benefits

Information & Research

• Access to CPA economic forecasts, industry surveys, market information, Weekly Notes newsletter and other reports;
• Access to members-only content on the CPA website, including committee papers, surveys, working documents and briefing materials;
• Access to the expertise of CPA staff for help on economic, technical, regulatory, sustainability and policy matters, including advance warnings on relevant issues;
• Support and presentations from CPA staff at Members’ events;
• The CPA can develop bespoke economic research and surveys of market sectors.


• Representation of Member’s interests to UK and EU government, civil servants, industry committees, boards and alliances;
• Opportunity to input into UK and EU consultations and submissions;
• Opportunity for all Affiliate Member employees to join CPA committees and groups, to develop policy positions and promote industry viewpoints;
• Members-only invitations to the CPA’s annual Parliamentary Reception;

Networking and Business Opportunities

• Invitations to support or attend major CPA events such as the annual Lunches and Networking Forums (with cross-industry representation);
• Members-only opportunities to meet with major UK clients; e.g., HS2, TfL, Thames Tideway Tunnel, Greater London Authority, etc.
• Access to exporting opportunities and meetings with UKTI, foreign governments and clients;
• Preferential sponsorship opportunities and rates for CPA and industry events.

View our Affiliate Members